Our favorite playgrounds

& Meetings
Our ambition is to gather your key audience around a professional experience with a strong resonance. Within the many assets that each destination provides, we support you in creating a program tailored to your professional goals and designed to leave a lasting imprint.
We write for you the script for a reception inspired by each destination’s atmosphere. We are convinced that the success of an event relies on a network of handpicked service providers, that only a local player with a long-term presence can assure. We guarantee a reliable connection, an on-site coordinator, and local experiences that never fall into cliché.

“The traveler sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he has come to see. These words, which we borrow from GK Chesterton, perfectly sum up our philosophy: travel differently, with an open mind and without rigid ideas. Our ambition is to help you see each destination with a local and friendly eye, always breaking the codes of the expected.”